Meet our Archivest Diane Ostergaard…
Diane Ostergaard
Instrument(s): Piano, Flute, Rubber Chicken, Tape Recorder (Not a regular performer with the band)
First performance with the band: Audience member and supporter since 1978.
What I like most about playing: As a listener, I find the new music being composed for concert bands exciting.
My favorite musical memory: I have played the tape recorder and the rubber chicken in past concerts.
A fun fact about myself: I have a cat named Carbon who sheds carbon fibers all over.
Three words I would use to describe Salem Symphonic Winds: Innovative, Ambitious, Rich History
Short Bio: I was born in Omaha, Nebraska, a piano major at the University of Nebraska, married a percussionist (Terry Ostergaard), Media Specialist by profession, mother of one son, quilting-reading-growing roses for hobbies, and volunteering for the Salem Symphonic Winds Board doing archival work.
Invitation: Diane has created an archive that chronicles the history of our band since its founding as the Salem Wind Ensemble in 1975. Visit our archives to view programs, press releases, photos and other memorabilia through our history as Salem Wind Ensemble, Salem Concert Band, and now the Salem Symphonic Winds. Click to Visit the Archives Now